My Story


I know the place in myself : being free from storys / concepts

To fall into my inner depths.

While painting, the latter happens more often.

From this free place inside, shape and color manifest,

But only after I put paint on the canvas first.

The authentic form only shows up while I am available in action.

I like to let the mystery play through me.

100% open

100% available.

There is no owner anymore.

Only life living through me.

Silence is the ultimate canvas

From my 6th to 18th I did top sport swimming.

If I look at my life, then its intensity and fullness are characteristic. The path that I walk contains again and again at the same time:

  • the artistic
  • inquiry / transformative consciousness work.

First for my own development and then 'clients', 'students', walked with me from mutual inspiration for a while.

Since 1990 I have been working from my practice  ‘de Bezieling ‘  (the soulfull Inspiration) as a transformative  Psychotherapist.

Most important inspiration is the Ridhwan School, led bij A.H.Almaas.  (The Diamond Approach). Here I have been following a path towards self-realization for 18 years.

From 2015 I guide artists on their way to Authentic Artisthood.

In June 2018 I graduated from the Pentagoon Academy of Painting in Tongeren, Belgium.

I am ready to emerge with my artistic work.


The art of living.

Where does the unfolding of my soul move towards ?

  • am I a creative transformation coach ?
  • am I an inspirator for artists towards authentic Artisthood ?
  • am I an artist ?

At this moment, I embrace all three darlings. There is so much more to discover and to bring.

I wonder where the road takes me...


Tamme vogels zingen over vrijheid

Wilde vogels vliegen.


Domestic birds sing about freedom

Wild birds fly.



When I look at the landscape paintings of Carla I'm really impressed.

The vivid colouring translates to power and the capturing of movement.

M.A. Brandt

I love Carla’s work.

I have the pleasure of having one of her early works.

Carla touches me in her sensitivity, deepness and fullness

Her work emanates a soulful knowing.

It is direct. No excuse.

It is here & now.

Dhyan de Bruijn

Your works are beautiful, powerful, completely authentic and colourful.

N. Kuijs